Monday, October 18, 2010

Facebook...Helpful and Annoying?

Dakota, Scott, and Brittany

Taking the World by Force! ....Facebook!
From Farmville to status updates, tagging to chatting, Facebook has become a part of everyday life. If you are not on Facebook, you might as well be a hermit.
Admittedly there are a lot of good things about Facebook, such as keeping up with friends and family, sharing memories, and even meeting new people. There are also a lot of bad/ extremely annoying things about Facebook.
1.) Farmville
            The game behind those annoying Facebook status updates. You may often find your friends fighting over whose farm is the best. Do not be alarmed, your friends are not real farmers.
Urban dictionary has a pretty good definition about how most people feel about this “game”...
If you do play Farmville, good for you! But I do not want to help you out by giving you a bucket of nails to build your fence. Nor do I want to help find the sad little brown cow you found in your cabbage patch a new home.
2.) Status…
            As far as Facebook is concerned, there are two statuses that we need to worry about
                        A.)Relationship Status-Yes it is very nice to know whether or not that cute girl in your biology class has a boyfriend or not. How could a relationship status be annoying? Well when you go on to little Miss Becky’s Facebook today and it says in a relationship, then tomorrow, she is single, the next day it is complicated, she is back in a relationship and loves the person by Thursday, and on Friday she is once again single and hopes that Johnny burns in hell…. Surely anyone can see that this kind of rampant changing in relationship could honestly be qualified as a cause of complete confusion with a mild case of whiplash!
                        B.) Status Updates on Your Wall- first of all we can all agree that updating your status is important enough. When you update your profile status to let people know you are coming back home or that something big has happened this is a wonderful feature. Even if, like a lot of us do, you put song lyrics as your status, you are in the clear as long as it is just once a day. If on the other hand you are someone who posts what you are doing, thinking, listening to, or even seeing every other minute you need to STOP! I do not care that you just say a bulldozer in construction Zone than 2 seconds later you see an ambulance at a hospital! Really? If you are on Facebook that much you need a new life… sorry J

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